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Class Teacher - Miss Tetlow

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Devine & Mrs Appleyard 

PPA Teacher - Mrs Nicholson

Welcome to our class page. Keep scrolling to find out important information...

What will I need in school?

- Reading Wallet, book and reading log every day

- Water bottle, filled with water (this can be refilled if your child finishes their bottle)

- PE kits. This term PE will be on Wednesdays. Please ensure kit is in school and your child has removed any jewellery before school. 

A typical day in year 3

8.50- Morning Work and milk

9.00- Register (assembly)


10.50- Breaktime and fruit

11.05- Handwriting/Spelling


12.30- Dinnertime

1.30- Reading and Topic/Computing/Science/PE/RE/PSHE/

2.45-3.00- Story/Mindfulness

3.10-Home time


Homework is set every Thursday via Seesaw. All homework can be accessed through the activities tab on right side of the page. 

Please make sure that your child reads regularly and practices their times tables, as these are key fundamental skills for their educational foundations. 

Our Curriculum

