Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
Our Intent
What we teach in the classroom will help our children foster lifelong aspirations, goals and values.
With this in mind, we believe that PSHE education isn’t just another school subject. It’s a chance to give every child and young person an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive now and in the future.
This includes helping them to deal with critical issues they face every day such as friendships, emotional wellbeing and change. And giving them a solid foundation for whatever challenging opportunities lie ahead, so they can face a world full of uncertainty with hope.
PSHE education helps children prepare for all the opportunities, challenges, life decisions and responsibilities they'll face.
This in turn achieves a 'virtuous circle', whereby children with better health and wellbeing can achieve better academically, and enjoy greater success.
We have designed our PSHE curriculum so that our learners:
- Develop themselves intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually
- Acquire the skills, knowledge and attributes they need to keep themselves physically and emotionally healthy and safe
- Flourish regardless of background, ability or additional needs, to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be
- Possess a strong understanding of the diverse world around them and are supported in playing a positive role in contributing to an ever-changing society
- Acquire the curiosity and confidence to question, challenge and reflect
Cultural Capital
At Norbreck, we recognise that for children to aspire to and be successful academically and in the wider areas of their lives, they need to be given rich and exciting opportunities to develop their cultural capital.
We believe that there are six key areas which help contribute to a child’s cultural capital:
- Personal Development
- Social Development, including political and current affairs awareness
- Physical Development
- Spiritual Development
- Moral Development
- Cultural development
Summary of the key areas of coverage for each area:
Personal development
- Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education provision.
- The school’s wider pastoral framework.
- Growth mindset support & resilience development strategies.
- Transition support.
- Work to develop confidence, e.g. role play, supporting peers, leadership roles.
- Activities focused on building self-esteem.
- Mental Health & well-being provision.
Social Development
- Personal, Social and Health Education provision;
- Volunteering and charitable work – e.g. raising funds for Children in need, Comic Relief
- Pupil Voice –School Council, Eco-Council, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, the Junior Leadership Team, Buddys & PALs
- Learning Mentor and Family Support Worker support;
- Pastoral support from all staff.
Physical Development
- The Physical Education curriculum.
- Healthy Eating policies and catering provision.
- Anti-bullying and safeguarding policies and strategies, including a child-friendly policy.
- The Health Education dimension of the PSHE programme and Preparation for Adulthood including strands on drugs, smoking and alcohol.
- The extracurricular clubs related to sports and well-being.
- The celebration of sporting achievements.
- Year 6 Residentials and Year Group Trips and Visits.
- Design and Technology units related to food preparation and nutrition.
Spiritual Development
- The Religious Education Curriculum.
- Our collective acts of reflection.
- Support for the expression of individual faiths.
- Inter-faith and faith-specific activities and speakers.
- World Religion Day activities.
- Visits to religious buildings and centres.
Moral Development
- The Religious Education Curriculum.
- The school’s Behaviour policy.
- Contributions to local, national and international charitable projects.
Cultural Development
- Citizenship education through PSHE.
- Arts education including Music and Drama.
- All children have the opportunity to watch a theatre production in school.
- Promotion of racial equality and community cohesion through the school’s ethos, informing all policy and practice.
- Each curriculum area makes its own contribution to children’s cultural capital development and supports SMSC across the school.
How we Implement PSHE at Norbreck
Pupils are taught regularly timetabled PSHE / RSE lessons by a member of Norbreck staff with whom the pupils are familiar.
• Staff follow our tailor-made whole school scheme to plan their lessons. This is based on the PSHE Association Guidelines whilst ensuring the Statutory RSE curriculum is taught. The Curriculum is split into 6 themes and is taught as a spiral curriculum so topics are re-visited in more depth to match the maturity of the pupils.
-Becoming an active citizen (British Values/ What it means to be British)
-Keeping myself safe
-Me and My Relationships (RSE)
-Healthy Lifestyles (Including Emotional Health and Well Being)
-Me and My Future
• Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of each individual class / pupils and to deal with issues as they arise.
• Lessons are delivered in a way that ensures pupils feel safe and encourages participation by using a variety of teaching approaches with opportunities to develop critical thinking and relationship skills.
• Data from the ‘SHEU Survey’ and pupil voice is used to ensure lessons meet the needs of our pupils.
• Assemblies, themed days, visits and visitors are used to support the teaching and are not used in place of it.
• We work in partnership with parents informing them about what their children are learning and when required, providing guidance towards resources that can be used at home.
• Lessons and school ethos; -promote safe, equal, caring and enjoyable relationships and we discuss real-life issues appropriate to the age and stage of pupils, including friendships, families, consent, relationship abuse, sexual exploitation and safe relationships online - give a positive view of human sexuality, with honest and medically accurate information, so that pupils can learn about their bodies and sexual and reproductive health in ways that are appropriate to their age and maturity -gives pupils opportunities to reflect on values and influences (such as from peers, media, faith and culture) that may shape their attitudes to relationships and sex, and nurtures respect for different views -includes learning about how to get help and treatment from sources such as the school nurse and other professionals -meet the needs of all pupils with their diverse experiences - including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Long Term Plan
Here is our school's Long Term Plan topic coverage for PSHE.
Impact - What difference is the curriculum making to our pupils?
We are proud of the PSHE / RSE work that we deliver at Norbreck. The evidence being seen through the well-rounded, confident, tolerant, resilient and independent pupils that leave us at the end of year 6.
• The pupils’ attitude, behaviour and demeanour around school, within lessons, at playtimes’ and out in the community demonstrates the respect, tolerance and high aspirations that our pupils have of themselves and each other.
• Pupils leave us ready for their next step into Secondary school and are armed with skills, knowledge and understanding that they can take forward into adulthood.
• Our pupils leave us prepared for life in an ever-changing modern Britain. They have the tools they need to succeed, keep themselves safe and thrive.
We measure impact by the triangulation of lesson observations, work scrutiny and pupil voice. Impact can also be seen as part of the SHEU survey data. The outcome of this all goes together to form the coming years action plans, lesson plans and evaluation of impact
Year 2 welcomed Fire Officer Wade this term. The session focused on increasing children's knowledge about fire risks and awareness of what to do in the event of a fire.
Year 5 SRE Objectives
- Identify some products that they may need during puberty and why;
- Know what menstruation is and why it happens;
- Know the correct words for the external sexual organs;
- Discuss some of the myths associated with puberty.
Year 6 SRE Objectives
- Define the word 'puberty' giving examples of some of the physical and emotional changes associated with it;
- Suggest strategies that would help someone who felt challenged by the changes in puberty;
- Identify the changes that happen through puberty to allow sexual reproduction to occur;
- Know a variety of ways in which the sperm can fertilise the egg to create a baby;
- Know the legal age of consent and what it means.