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Year 6 SATs Information

If you are a parent or carer of a child in Year 6, you may have heard a lot about SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests). These national curriculum tests assess your child's progress in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) and compare their attainment to age-related expectations. While some may find SATs motivating, others may feel apprehensive. Whatever your perspective, we are here to support both you and your child through the process.

When do SATs take place?

SATs are held in early May each year, following a national timetable. Tests usually begin on a Monday and finish by Thursday. This year, the SATs will take place from Monday 12th May until Thursday 15th May. 

What do the tests involve?


The KS2 maths SATs consist of three papers:

  • Arithmetic (30 minutes) – Tests number knowledge and written calculation methods.
  • Reasoning Paper 1 & 2 (45 minutes each) – Assess problem-solving skills in real-world contexts, covering topics such as geometry, statistics, and measurement.


There are two English tests:

  • Reading (1 hour) – Your child will answer comprehension questions on a selection of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry texts.
  • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) – Includes:
    • Grammar & Punctuation – Multiple-choice, sentence completion, and short explanation questions.
    • Spelling – 20 words assessed in the context of sentences read aloud.

Writing is not assessed through a test but is instead judged by teachers based on work completed throughout the year.

Supporting your child

At Norbreck Primary Academy, we ensure your child is well-prepared through regular practice and a supportive learning environment. If you have any concerns or need guidance, please speak to your child’s teacher. We appreciate your support in helping your child approach SATs with confidence and a positive mindset.

See our 'Beating Exam Stress' guide below about combatting any worries your child may have in the run-up to the SATs. 

You can find links to useful websites to help with SATs preparation on the Year 6 Class Pages.