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Class Teacher - Mr Conway

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Smart and Mrs Bristow

PPA Teacher - Mrs Nicholson

Welcome to our class page. Keep scrolling to find out important information...

What will I need in school?

Water bottles need to be brought in daily.

We provide a fruit snack each day but children may also bring their own fuit snack home, if they would like to. 

Our PE day is Monday afternoon in Term 1 and we will inform you of any changes via seesaw. We also take part in an active mile every Wednesday morning and other short, active sessions throughout the week such as Go noodle. 

Reading packs to be in school each day please.

Class Routines

8.50- Enter the classroom, have milk and complete a short morning task

9.05- Assembly (every Monday, alternate Wednesdays and Celebrations Assembly on Friday)

9.30 Maths lesson

Whole class Guided reading

10.50- 11.05- Breaktime

11.05- Fruit

English lesson and handwriting practice

12.30- Dinnertime

1.30- Independent reading in class and time to quiz

Afternoon lessons (Science/Geography/History/Computing/PSHE/PE/RE/Art or DT)

3.00- Class story

3.15- Hometime


We give out homework every Friday and it is due in the following Friday. We will mark this together in class. Mrs Watts runs an optional homework club every Friday dinnertime if anyone needs any help with this.

We encourage children to read every night at home and to bring their reading packs into school each day. When a child finishes a reading book, they are responsible for quizzing and choosing their next book.

Our Curriculum

