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The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future. 

- Theodore Roosevelt -

Our Intent

At Norbreck we teach our children that History is not only a collection of dates and events; it is the tapestry of human experiences that has shaped the world we live in today. By learning about the achievements, struggles, and triumphs of those who came before us, we gain a stronger sense of our own identity and the diverse cultures that make up our society. History is a gateway to understanding ourselves, our world, and the power of human endeavours and the legacy they leave behind. 

The intention of the History curriculum at Norbreck Primary Academy is to inspire our pupils to become historians and develop their understanding of Britain's past and the wider world. We want our children to learn the facts (substantive knowledge) but also build historical enquiry skills (disciplinary knowledge). All of this is woven together for our little historians through golden threads which run through our entire curriculum. These include legacy, democracy, civilisation, migration and monarchy. 


Our key strands for developing historical substantive knowledge are:

1) Chronology of British, local and World history,

2) Change over time.

3) similarities and differences

Our key strands for developing historical disciplinary knowledge are:

1) Making connections.

2) Cause and consequence. 

3) Investigate, question, and interpret.

Our children ask questions, analyse evidence, and consider multiple sources. Their critical thinking skills are honed, enabling them to evaluate, form educated opinions, and make informed decisions.


Cultural Capital

Children will learn about significant individuals through history and the legacy left behind. Children will also learn about the areas of significant historical interest within their local area. 

They will also experience the following:

  • Visits to local museums  
  • Visit to a place of local historical interest, including the Abana shipwreck. Blackpool Tower and the Spitfire Visitor Centre at Blackpool Airport.
  • A cross-curricular understanding of key historical figures, including examples such as Mary Anning, Beatrix Potter and Charles Darwin.


How we implement History at Norbreck

Our History Curriculum has been carefully planned and structured to reflect the chronological order of the historical eras.  Each topic is based around a 'Big Question' and lessons are sequenced around key components to help children answer our Big Question. In KS1, our children learn from their own lived experiences and life story, and about historical events that they are more familiar with and can relate to.

As they progress through the school, children are given the opportunity to go back further in time and investigate periods from around the world that they may be less familiar with, ensuring that they have a good understanding of important changes, as well as how each period links to, and impacts upon the next. We also search for meaning through the study of our school's golden threads which weave through each unit and help us to further understand the impact and legacy of our past. 




Long Term Plan




As historians, Norbreck Primary Academy pupils show that they are confident to discuss what they have learnt in history using subject specific vocabulary. Pupils' work demonstrates that they are taught at an age appropriate standard across each year group and children are able to build on previous years' learning though their substantive knowledge, disciplinary knowledge and the golden threads. They have a good understanding of events, people and places from the past and present and present their learning in a variety of ways. 


Pupil Voice

We know why the Great Fire of London started and how it spread so quickly. That must have been really scary for the people who lived in 1666!

Esme Year 2

We are learning about the Stone Age and how farming was the beginning of settlements. It is really interesting.

James Year 3

History is really interesting. I love learning how life was different for different people hundreds of years ago! I wonder what life will be like in hundreds of years to come!

Zac Year 6
